
Meet our Editorial Panel who are the key opinion leaders in the field of Alzheimer’s Disease. This expert panel in collaboration with the WILEY editorial team has curated the independent educational modules where you can get resources on the latest advancements in the diagnosis, treatment and management of Alzheimer’s Disease.

SangYun Kim

Prof. SangYun Kim

Professor at Department of Neurology, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Director of Neurocognitive Behaviour Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital

Professor SangYun Kim is a Neurologist and Geriatrician. His clinical and basic research fields are Alzheimer’s disease and related disorder, Parkinson’s disease and related disorders, vascular cognitive impairment and human prionopathies

Recent basic researches are focused on the blood-based biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative proteinopathies. He leads an extensive Neurocognitive Behaviour Research team which has five study units, a clinical research unit, a neuropsychological unit, a clinical trial unit, a genetic research unit and a neurodegenerative proteinopathy research unit. 

He has published over 300 peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters. Currently he is ex-Chairman of the Board, Korean Dementia Association and ex-President of Korean Geriatric Society. 

Ralph Martins

Prof. Ralph Martins

Professor of Neurobiology at Macquarie University in Sydney
Foundation Professor of Ageing and Alzheimer’s Disease at Edith Cowan University in Perth

Professor Ralph Martins AO has dedicated the last 33 years to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research.  He is well-known and highly respected internationally as a prominent researcher in the field.  

His insight into this devastating disease has led to a number of groundbreaking discoveries including the pioneering discovery of Beta-amyloid and its precursor the amyloid precursor protein (APP), an important protein found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients now universally acknowledged as being fundamental to the pathology of this disease. His identification of oxidative stress in the Alzheimer brain has also been described as a significant landmark in the history of the disease. 

Prof. Martins and his team have been at the forefront globally in developing non-invasive and cost-effective early diagnostics for preclinical AD. They are also progressing a highly innovative program of therapeutic strategies and preventative interventions in pre-clinical AD. 

Vincent Mok

Prof. Vincent Chung-Tong Mok

Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine and the Director for Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia, Margaret K.L.
Cheung Research Centre for Management of Parkinsonism and Lau Tat-cheun Research Centre for Management of Brain Degenerative Diseases in Chinese

Professor Vincent Chung-tong Mok served as the the Chief of Neurology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 2016-2022. He also serves as the Honorary Secretary of the Asian Society Against Dementia

Prof. Vincent Mok's research aims to (1) understand mechanisms of common age-related cognitive disorders, e.g., Alzheimer’s disease (AD), small vessel disease, (2) develop diagnostics for early detection of AD, and to investigate strategies that may help to prevent dementia. He is the first to report the association between cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) and cognitive impairment in Asia and to investigate the contribution of amyloid burden in poststroke dementia using in-vivo amyloid PET. He also developed world’s first stand-alone artificial intelligence-aided analysis of retinal fundus photographs for the screening of AD.  

He was awarded the “Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award in Natural Sciences (1st Class)” by the Ministry of Education, People's Republic of China, as well as the “Excellent Research Award” and the prestigious “10th Health and Medical Research Fund Anniversary Award – Public Health, Clinical and Health Services” by the Food and Health Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the prevention of dementia.

Ming-Chyi Pai

Prof. Ming-Chyi Pai

Professor of Neurology and the Director of the Institute of Gerontology at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Professor Ming-Chyi Pai is also the Director and Principal Investigator of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) at NCKU Hospital, where he has been conducting many global clinical trials on AD and related dementias. 

Prof. Pai graduated from Taipei Medical University (M.D.) in 1988 and obtained his Ph.D. degree (psychology) from National Chung Cheng University in 2002. Dr. Pai studied neuropsychology at Tohoku University from 1995 to 1996 and studied psychology at the University of Arizona from 2002-2003. His major interests are cognitive and behavioural neurology, in particular human spatial navigation as a maker for Alzheimer disease and using AI to help diagnose and classify different types of neurodegenerative disorders.  

Prof. Pai has chaired Division of Behavioural Neurology at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Hospital since 1998 and initiated dementia clinic in 1994.

Prof. Pai is the founding president of Zeelandia Dementia Association (ZDA, established in 2004), and current president (2013-). Dr. Pai was the president of Taiwan Dementia Society (TDS) from 2015-2018 and is currently the chair of supervisory board of TDS. He has been active in the public and academic affairs of Asian Society Against Dementia.  


Prof. Yuan-Han Yang

Vice Superintendent of Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital
Director& Professor of Neuroscience Research Center, Kaohsiung Medical University

Professor Yuan-Han Yang was a research scholar at the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Washington University in St Louis USA. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of Dementia Research& Care committee, National Geriatric& Welfare Center, National Health Research Institute, Head of Research Committee, Asian Society Against Dementia, and Director of the Mentality Protection Center at the Compassion Foundation Fo-Guan Shan, an international organization with hundreds of branches in the world.

He was elected as the executive director of Taiwan Dementia Society and Director of Taiwan Alzheimer’s Disease Association, and was awarded The First Place of Research Award, Taiwan Dementia Society in 2010. He was nominated and awarded in Marquis Who’s Who in The World, 2014&2015, and has published more than 200 manuscripts and 4 books in dementia-related field, and has been awarded as The Innovation and Impaction Papers: 2013 World Biomedical Frontiers. He has initiated the Asian Society Against Dementia collaborated studies including AD8 (AD8-Asia) to screen early dementia in Asian countries and the registration of Alzheimer’s disease in Asian Countries (ReAD-Asia) to foster collaboration. He has also conducted pharmacogenomics, clinical trials, and basic molecular biological studies, gene expression and protein analyses in AD and serves as the Associated Editor-in-Chief, of Brain Science Advance, Associate Editor of Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and other several journals.

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